Above is the purse I made for my sister-in-law- Jonna for her birthday. I probably shouldn't have photographed it in front of the green and white bag holder, but I'm learning.
What shoes are to many women, bags are to me. I have bags whose main purpose is to hold other bags. And since I also love to craft, I'm always looking for cool patterns. This bag was adapted from a simple pattern I found online - http://tinyurl.com/nw7l9l . The finished bag is much smaller than I'd anticipated. I added the front flap and added the straps with buttons on the sides. I also gathered the sides slightly, something the original did not call for. The outer bag is made from different panels, but the interior is lined in a natural cotton.
I was pleased with the end result and so was Jonna! Right now I'm working on a bag for myself. It's still very much in progress and right now I am struggling to come up with the perfect strap....... stay tuned!
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