.......when anxiety rises.........

you know that exact moment when something scares you and your heart is suddenly the size of your chest and somehow in your throat at the same time?

when you've had too much coffee and every nerve is dancing on razor blades?

when your hands are shaky from hunger and your legs are begging you to please just sit down?

when muscle tension draws knots across your shoulders that turn to stone?

when you just can't stop fidgeting and scratching and plucking at yourself and your clothes?

Now imagine all those things happening at once and lasting for hours.

That's what my anxiety feels like.


Spellflinger said...

I know the feeling only too well my dear. Last Tues. I had to attacks no more than 2 hrs apart ... barely got over the 1st and I couldn't wait to get off the bus (where the second happened). To compound things, I couldn't get the Old Goat to understand that I needed some space to re-center myself.

I feel for you *HUGZ*

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